LMC Report: Prime Cattle Classification Statistics
NORTHERN IRELAND, UK - THE second quarter classification statistics (April - June 2011) show that the trends identified in classification immediately after the introduction of VIA continued to be evident over the entire quarter. LMC
can gather classification statistics
based on the price reported kill.
Approximately 74 per cent of cattle were price
reported in the second quarter of 2011
(4 April - 3 July 2011).
The first point to note in this data is that
the kill has been significantly lower
during this period, compared to the
same period last year. The price
reported prime kill was down 14 per
cent from 73,810 in Q2, 2010 to
63,207 in Q2, 2011.
Table 1 below shows that during the
second quarter the proportion of U
grades in the NI prime cattle kill was
12.8 per cent.
Last year, U grades accounted
for 23.3 per cent of the prime kill in the second
Table 1 shows that in the
second quarter, the proportion of R
grades is up marginally compared to
the same period last year. Meanwhile,
the proportion of O grades has also
increased slightly, with a sharp increase
in the proportion of P grades in the kill.
Table 2 shows the proportion of cattle
graded in each fat class division over
the course of the second quarter of
As with conformation, there have
been some significant changes since
2010. Although fat class three remains the
dominant class in Q2 2011, the
proportion of cattle graded as fat class
three has fallen by 12 percentage points
compared to the same period in 2010.
The proportion of carcases graded in all
other fat class divisions has increased
during the same period with fat class two
now accounting for 20 per cent of cattle.
Most readers will conclude that the
reasons for the differences in grading
statistics between 2010 and 2011 have
been driven by the introduction of VIA.
Before exploring this change, it is worth
pointing out that any comparison of
grading in Q2 2011 with Q2 2010, is
not like-for-like.
Caution is therefore
advised when looking at Tables 1 and 2.
It is worth considering whether the
reduced kill has any impact on the
proportion of cattle falling into each fat
class and conformation division.
It is
also crucial to point out that we are not
comparing like-with-like, given the fact
that manual graders operated to a five
point scale while the machines operate
to a 15-point scale.
While the machine
has the option of applying +,= and - subclasses,
the manual grader did not have
the same flexibility.
However, most analysis will link the
change in classification grades over the
course of 2010 / 2011, to the
introduction of mechanical grading at
the end of March 2011.
The industry
was braced for tighter grading at the
time and any analysis since then has
shown this to be the case. There is no
doubt that the introduction of VIA will
have had a varied impact with some
producers impacted differently to
Some producers will conclude
that the introduction of mechanical
grading has had a negative impact on
their business. Others have expressed
satisfaction with the new system.
Individual producers are best placed to
make an assessment of its impact on
their own businesses.
It is worth bearing in mind however, that
these statistics provide no conclusive
evidence that producers are generally
worse off as a result of VIA.
To arrive at
such a conclusion we would need to
believe that average cattle prices are
lower than they would have been had
VIA not been introduced.
Given that the
trade has moved on since April, that is
something that is almost impossible to
However, we ought to think
about how the relative values attached
to different grades have changed since
the introduction of VIA and consider the
impact of the new pricing grid.
fewer animals killing at U grades, the
logical conclusion is that U grades are
now of greater value. With some cattle
that would formerly have been
considered U grades, now killing as R
grades, the quality of cattle in the R
division ought to have improved and
they should also have greater value.
Given that in relative terms the new
pricing grid put greater value on sucklertype
animals, you would expect to see
the price of U and R grades rising to a
greater extent than average prices
following the introduction of VIA.
This is what happened (see Bulletin
Issue 2161). Average prices rose
slightly in the first week of VIA, but the
price of most grades rose to a greater
This could be interpreted as an
indication that while the general cattle
trade improved slightly, the market was
attaching greater value to individual
grades because the quality of cattle in
those grades had actually improved.
One way of looking at this is to express
the price of each grade as a proportion
of the average price of all prime cattle
before and after VIA.
This ought to
provide a rudimentary analysis of how
the relative values of U and R grades
have changed since its introduction. In
Q2 this year for example, U3 prices
were on average 104.5 per cent of the average
prime cattle price.
This was up from an
equivalent figure of 103.3 per cent in Q1,
2011 which indicates a relative
increase in the value of U grades.
similar change was evident for R grades
and indeed for most grades.
There is one final important point to
bear in mind for anyone disappointed
with grades awarded. The incremental
impact of stepping down the grading
scale (e.g. from U to R) is now lessened
because the steps are no longer as
steep from one grade to another under
the 15-point scale as it was under the
five-point scale.
Further Reading
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