Confidence and Profit Key to Future EU Dairy

EU – Europe’s farmers need to be on a strong footing to ensure industry development for growing demand, the EU Commission heard this week.
calendar icon 8 May 2014
clock icon 1 minute read

Farming cooperative and union Copa-Cogeca urged the Commission to alleviate pressure currently resting on farmers in the last year of milk quotas.

Chairman of the Copa-Cogeca working part on milk and dairy products, Mansel Raymond, said: “Demand for dairy products is on the rise, especially in the developing world and the emerging economies like China and India, where OECD-FAO predicts dairy consumption to rise by around 30 per cent by 2021.

“EU dairy producers need to be in a good position to make use of these opportunities and have confidence to look forward to a profitable dairy industry.”

In a letter to EU Commissioner Dacian Ciolos, Copa-Cogeca called on the Commission to use the milk super-levy for sector development and to discuss price volatility after quota expiration in 2015.

The letter stressed that money is kept within the sector and suggested the adapted fat correction coefficient calculation would be a ‘good way of to alleviate the pressure’.

Regarding volatility, the letter added: “Price volatility may increase in the future and we need to discuss how to deal with it, in a market orientated way.”

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