Australian Exporters Welcome Resumption of Japan Live Cattle Trade

AUSTRALIA - Japanese authorities announced last week the reopening of the $14.6 million trade in feeder and breeder cattle from Australia, following agreement on improved export certification processes for all consignments.
calendar icon 31 August 2016
clock icon 1 minute read

In May 2016, Japan suspended live cattle exports from Australia in response to cattle testing positive for bovine Johne’s disease (BJD) in post arrival quarantine.

The strengthened conditions include lifetime traceability for all animals and biosecurity clearance for the property of origin.

The Australian Livestock Exporters’ Council (ALEC) welcomed the agreement.

"That the resumption of exports of both feeder/slaughter and breeding cattle has been achieved so expeditiously is clearly a direct result of the close relationship between Australia and Japan, at both government and industry levels," the organisation continued.

ALEC's press release added: "The updated agreement with Japan, with improved export certification processes for all cattle consignments, means that all stakeholders in this important market including Australian producers, exporters and our customers in Japan, can now recommence business in the supply chain with confidence."

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