Udder Examination
Dairy farmers are aware of the changes seen in clinical mastitis. However sub-clinical mastitis is by its very nature more difficult to detect.Most UK large animal vets and farmers do not routinely palpate udders. Many European vets and farmers find udder palpation a valuable tool.
A proportion of chronic high cell count cows will have discernable abnormalities such as the formation of abscesses, scar tissue and irregular nodules in the udder tissue. These animals are unlikely to respond to treatment and constitute a risk to other cows in the herd by acting as a reservoir of infection. The best option is to milk these cows last or preferably remove them from the herd.

Palpation technique
Palpate the udder immediately after milking when it is flaccid.


Udder tissue

Lymph nodes

If this technique is done regularly on high cell count cows the vet and farmer can select the animals most likely to respond to therapy. Cows with a poor chance of recovery can be excluded from treatment programmes. This will result in a cost effective approach to curing high cell count cows.

Farmers Guides
- Optimising the milking routine
- Basic mastitis types and control
- Probability of cure following intramammary antibiotic treatment
- Improving udder health around
drying off - Udder Examination
- California Mastitis Test
- Technique for infusion of a combination of dry cow antibiotic and OrbeSeal®
- Sterile milk sampling for bacteriology
- Collecting and transporting samples
- Risks of feeding dump milk to calves