Local Landfill Sites To Handle Cattle Waste
CANADA - As far as stepping stones go, it’s a bit of a slimy one, but the Canadian Food Inspec-tion Agency’s (CFIA) approval last week of three local landfills to handle potentially harmful cattle waste has enormously positive implications on an industry sometimes forgotten in the shadow of Alberta’s massive bovine bonanza.Collectively, that matter is known as specified risk material (SRM). As of July 12, permits are required to transport, accept and dispose of it, a measure the CFIA hopes will produce a tracking and maintenance control apparatus powerful enough to keep SRM out of livestock feed, pet food and fertilizer.
“The landfill is part of the whole enhanced feed ban to make sure we’re tracking all of the SRM that’s generated in the country,” said Margaret Fisher, a veterinary program specialist with CFIA. “Part of the tracking is to know where it ends up.”
Landfills, she said, are a suitable containment option.
“There are certain protocols that would have to be put in place, but, from an environmental point of view, the site has the capability to ensure that the bad things from SRM would be contained,” said Mitch Minchau,
CRD manager of environmental services. “The process that has to be developed is the slaughter house has to bring the material in under
CFIA rules, and, when they bring it to our facility, the material has to be logged in. Then that immediately goes to the treatment part of the landfill. It can go to the regular landfill – it’s just a question of how quickly its covered up.”
Source: 100 Mile House Free Press