Milk Price Drops Slightly But Union Remain Positive
NORTHERN IRELAND, UK - Yesterday's Northern Ireland milk auction saw prices dip slightly from last month’s average price of 28.52 pence per litre (ppl) to 27.72 pence per litre, but the Ulster Farmers’ Union (UFU) remains positive and are still working towards the successful delivery of their ‘Dairy Roadmap to Recovery’.Chairman of the UFU Dairy Policy Committee, William Cromie said; “Although the auction milk price has fallen slightly, the UFU remain optimistic about current market opportunities. The fall in price reflects a plateauing out of world market prices now that markets are re-adjusting to the loss of Export Refunds.”
He continued; “Despite this drop in price and a difficult start to the year, we have been encouraged by stronger and less volatile prices in recent months. When you compare the latest auction results with last years prices, average returns have risen from 16.63 ppl last December to today’s average auction price of 27.72 ppl. This illustrates an increase of 11.09 pence.”
“However, the UFU will continue to press buyers for a more fair payment to producers which better reflects the current strength of the market.”
TheCattleSite News Desk