Feed Nutrition Course To Be Held By Schothorst
NETHERLANDS - Schothorst Feed Research is to hold a one-week course on formulating feeds for dairy cows, pigs and poultry in early June 2011.Advanced, in depth but practical course, focussed on formulating feed for dairy, swine and/or poultry are hard to find. Schothorst Feed Research has therefore developed a training course 'Feeds and Nutrition' with seven different modules so that each participant can design his or her own custom programme, depending on interest or specialisation.
All courses will be taught in English in one week (6 to 10 June 2011), beginning with the basic Feedstuffs (origin, nutritional characteristics and quality) and ending in specialised Dairy, Swine or Poultry nutrition. In between, the participant can learn more about Quality assurance, Feed processing or Least-Cost Formulation.
The organisers say that this course is recommended for anyone who wants to take a sabbatical for a week in Amsterdam to learn more about feeds and nutrition.
For more information and to register, click here.
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