Paraguay to Fully Eradicate FMD
PARAGUAY - In June, Paraguay will begin epidemiological sampling nationwide for the absence of Foot and Mouth Disease and this will bring peace to the region.
The Director General of Livestock Services, Francisco Muzio, on his return from a meeting of the South American Commission for the Control of FMD (COSALFA) held in Asuncion on Friday 11, told The Observer that he felt positive that Paraguay would overcome the disease.
However, there continues to be concern about determining the source of outbreaks in a country after it was vaccinated against the virus.
The official of the Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries said that one of these actions will begin in June with the development of a seroepidemiological sampling throughout Paraguay to detect a possible virus circulation.
The Pan American Foot and Mouth Disease (PANAFTOSA) will be in charge of the design and sample processing.
There will also be an audit conducted by the Action Programme Mercosur free of FMD (PAMA) and sent to the laboratory of the National Quality and Animal Health (SENACSA).
Also approved was the formation of a monitoring committee for the hemispheric programme, to be funded by the South American countries to support the actions of Panaftosa.