£4M of Research Funding to Improve Health of Livestock

UK - £4M of funding for world-leading UK research to improve the health of farmed animals including sheep, pigs, cows and poultry has been awarded by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council's Animal Health Research Club (ARC).
calendar icon 26 September 2013
clock icon 2 minute read

The club funds research to improve our understanding of resistance in farmed animals to pests and disease, and the funded projects include work to combat costly livestock diseases, create safer vaccines, breed healthier livestock and investigate immune system interactions (details of each project in 'Notes to editors').

The funded projects will take place during the next three years at BBSRC strategically-funded institutions The Roslin Institute, University of Edinburgh and The Pirbright Institute as well as the University of Glasgow, University of Nottingham, University of Warwick, Royal Veterinary College, Scotland's Rural College and The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute.

The grants represent the first round of awards in a five-year partnership between BBSRC, The Scottish Government and a consortium of leading companies from the animal breeding, animal health and farming sectors including Aviagen, BPEX*, Centre for Dairy Information, Cobb, DairyCo*, EBLEX*, Genus, Merial, Moredun Scientific, MSD Animal Health, the Scottish Salmon Producer's Organisation and Zoetis.

The ARC Industry members pay a subscription fee which allows them to be involved in remit formation and grant decision making.

Dr Celia Caulcott, BBSRC Director, Innovation and Skills, said: "Livestock diseases cost UK farmers and the wider economy millions of pounds a year, pose welfare problems for farmed animals and negatively affect food security.

"By funding studies that take a broad look at some of the most prevalent and costly livestock diseases, the Animal Health Research Club will be able to deliver results to benefit farmers, animals and consumers."

The announced projects represent the first of two rounds of funding from the Animal Health Research Club which will award £9.5M in total. The second call for funding through ARC will open on October 18 2013, and close on December 11 2013.

A workshop to promote the second call for applications, including the chance to discuss potential applications in confidential surgery sessions, will be held on 31 October 2013 in London.

For more information about ARC, please click here.

This announcement follows the launch of government's agri-tech strategy, developed in partnership with industry to ensure that the UK can benefit from agriculture's opportunities: www.gov.uk/government/publications/uk-agricultural-technologies-strategy.

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